Equine Experiences

Equine Experiences involve the interaction of people with horses in ways that promote social & emotional development. It is our goal that participants will have a safe place to gain a sense of connection with God and family.

  • During these 45 minute sessions, we will be focusing on self-regulation and relationship building. Each child will have the opportunity to partner with a horse while we explore topics of connection, attachment, and detachment in relationships. Most importantly, the sessions will focus on how your child connects with God and how that connection influences all other relationships.

    These sessions are for one adopted child. Age requirements vary depending on the type of session. See booking form for details.

  • These 45 minute sessions focus on connection with God, self, and others. Each participant will have the opportunity to explore relationship through partnering with a horse while asking for attachment and detachment in the relationship. Each session will be guided by one of the Bien Aime Farm equine staff.

  • Teen equine is an opportunity for teens to participate in a group equine activity. The relationship-themed activities will vary based upon the amount of participants. Activities will involve topics such as connection, attachment, and detachment. Each session will focus on interpersonal relationships, relationship with self, and relationship with God. 

    These sessions are for adopted children, ages 12-18.

  • The Wrangler Program is an eight-week program designed to teach and learn relationship skills while partnering with a horse.

    Each participant will be assigned a horse for the eight week session and will work on developing a connected relationship with the horse. The instructors will teach specific horse training skills to help the participants communicate well with their assigned horse.

    These sessions are an hour long once a week. Each session is limited to 6 participants.

    Each participant is asked to commit to the entirety of the eight week program .


    We have transitioned to providing opportunities to adopted children only. Biological children are however welcome to join for family equine sessions.


    No. EAL is for the purpose of skill development and an educational experience. Equine Assisted Psychotherapy is the process of partnering with a horse in addition to a Licensed Professional Mental Health counselor to address matters pertaining to anxiety, depression, emotional dysregulation, PTSD, and other mental health diagnoses. Bien Aimé Farm does not provide this service.


    Horses are herd animals and must be part of a “family” to thrive. They attach, detach, and connect in relationships and are great at teaching us humans how to do the same!

    Connecting with animals is often less threatening than connecting with other humans. This space provides children the opportunity to try out new relationship skills without the perceived human judgment. How a child shows up in relationships is usually consistent. Therefore, how a child engages and builds relationship with a horse is often a reflection of how he or she engages in relationships outside of the farm. This authentic engagement opens the door for conversation about relationships with others, with self, and with God.

    Horses also have rhythmic walking patterns. Often if a child is disregulated, getting on the horse and riding while engaging in relationship with the horse and the instructors helps to regulate the child’s body and brain (see more about this under Regulated Riding).

    There is a growing body of research and literature that explains the value of equine assisted services. We would love to provide you with some reading materials if you are interested!


    Long pants and closed-toed shoes, like tennis shoes or boots are required. Sandals, Keens, and Crocs are not permitted. Please avoid dresses or skirts, as these restrict movement while riding. Helmets are required to be worn by all participants when riding. We provide helmets, but you are welcome to bring your own riding or biking helmet from home as well.


    If you are having difficulty finding a spot, please email Laurabeth.